Testbed Helsinki

The City of Helsinki is a testbed for new innovations. Companies and RDI actors, do you want to develop and experiment your products or services in an authentic city environment? The key content areas of our testing platform activities are EdTech, Smart Mobility, Built Environment, Circular Economy and Health & Wellbeing.

Testbed Helsinki pyrkii ratkaisemaan globaaleja haasteita kannustamalla uusiin innovaatioihin.

Test and develop your solution in Helsinki!

Testbed Helsinki supports your development and growth. We offer companies and RDI actors a variety of opportunities to test and develop new products and services in a real urban environment. Read about our current experiments and companies’ experiences, explore our open calls or propose for your own solution for experimenting, and check out our calendar for upcoming interesting events.


Urban Tech Helsinki supports start-ups developing sustainable urban solutions

Urban Tech Helsinki is an incubator looking for clean and sustainable urban solutions. The incubator aims to support innovative and high-growth companies that solve urban challenges. The operations are focused on clean energy, mobility, sustainable construction, circular economy/waste management and urban food production. Through Urban Tech Helsinki, the City of Helsinki wants to attract experts and businesses to the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and support and accelerate the creation and early growth of new startups, especially research-driven ones. Now, the Urban Tech Helsinki incubator has started with another round of 11 start-ups.

Circular economy cluster program invites concrete companies to an innovation challenge to test the utilisation of demolition wool in concrete production

There are still few possibilities for reusing buildings’ insulation mineral wool, and in Finland alone, up to 20,000 tonnes of mineral wool ends up in landfills a year. The City of Helsinki's circular economy cluster program is organising an innovation challenge for concrete companies, where companies can test the utilisation of wool powder made from demolition wool in the manufacture of concrete.

Construction boosts circular economy – demolition in Vattuniemi shows the way

The Ministry of the Environment estimates that approximately 1.6 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste is generated every year in Finland. According to the EU’s directive on waste, 70% of this should be reused, but Motiva estimates that the figure stands at only about 50%. This serves as a good reason to promote circular economy in construction, in addition to conserving natural resources and slowing down climate change and loss of biodiversity. The circular economy cluster programme, launched by the City of Helsinki, is also aiming to achieve circular economy in construction.

Innovation agents channel companies’ development potential for the benefit of city residents

Have you already heard about the City of Helsinki innovation agents? Do you know how innovation and agents are related to each other?

Mobility Lab Helsinki starts operations: Digital twin lays foundation for innovations

Mobility Lab Helsinki is a testbed for new smart mobility innovations. For companies, it offers opportunities to develop and pilot new services and technologies. The project particularly delves into the efficient utilisation of mobility data and digital twins.

Major event in health tech, HIMSS22 Europe, brings health innovations and pioneers to Helsinki in June

The major event in healthcare and health technology, HIMSS European Health Conference & Exhibition, takes place in June at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. The industry-leading European congress will showcase the world’s best digital health innovations and bring together companies, experts and decision-makers developing them, along with state-of-the-art programme and an extensive exhibition.

A city as a test platform?

Companies and RDI actors can recommend their own solution to the City of Helsinki for testing. We review proposals on a regular basis and aim to respond to them as soon as possible. The proposals are treated with confidentiality.

Frequently asked questions

Check out the most common questions and answers related to our testing activities at Testbed Helsinki!

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Your business. Our mission.

Business Helsinki coordinates and implements the city’s development and test platform activities. We closely co-operate with City Divisions and companies and businesses belonging to Helsinki City Group. 

Business Helsinki offers e.g. personalized guidance and access to trainings, workshops, support for launching your business, and access to startup networks.

Learn more about Business Helsinki