Tag: Construction

10 search results

The pilot demonstrated the benefits of a digital platform in the reuse of building components

New life for building materials – AI enhances demolition and reuse 

A group of people on stage with diplomas and flowers in their hands

New circular economy construction services to facilitate the procurement of reusable construction products – Sweco, Spolia Design and Lotus Demolition win the innovation challenge

A summer view from Helsinki's Mustikkamaa island towards Kalasatama with residential buildings behind a birch branch in the foreground.

Circular economy solutions for construction as a service – propose your solution in the innovation challenge

Illustration of a storage building for outdoor sports facilities

Helsinki to build storage buildings for outdoor sports facilities from recycled materials – Lippa wins design competition

City of Helsinki invites architecture and civil engineering students of Aalto University to design new storages from dismantled building parts

Digital leap in circular construction – shared data supports ambitious goals

Circular economy extends to residents’ everyday life on new Jätkäsaari block

Construction boosts circular economy – demolition in Vattuniemi shows the way

Apply for the cluster programme for circular economy in construction!